Friday, July 17, 2009

Purrrrrr-fect Peace.

This is our Roxy!

"Long live the Queen!"

"You are all my subjects!"

"Kneel and bow so that you are to be worthy of me!"

Roxy is the embodiment of contempt of her surroundings and of us!

this is my Minie!

"Ha-ha, you found me!"

"Oh my, I can't find my tail!"

"Do you think if I lay in here long enough, no one will ever find me?"

My Minie is TRULY a package of French fries short of a Happy Meal!

Be that they are chasing their own tails or each other's, from catching the dust molecules in the sun-streams, to flipping and leaping, them hiding and seeking one another, of the hypnotic rhythm of their purring and of them sleeping. When they are searching for that one small square inch of sun drenched carpet to bask in and curling up tight be it in a basket, a box, on a lap or in any kind of bag. The warmth and feeling one gets when they are weaving in between your ankles when trying to walk. Their tired heads nuzzling into our body parts. Their claws extended in the kneading of a patch of our body, to settle into the "right spot." Them caressing our legs with their tails as we walk by them. Hearing them conversing with the bugs in their clicks and chatter-isms. Having open a cupboard only to find one hiding and startling you! To walking into a room and finding them all in a nook and crevice so small it seems impossible for them to be comfortable.

I love a cat's life!

They bring us such joy and constant hilarity each and everyday!

I had truly forgotten how fun it is to have them around and especially because,
they chose to live with us!


Martha said...

Norma, your cats are beautiful! I always said I was not a cat person, but ever since "Joey" adopted Salem, I've been bit. She is definitely different from any dog I've had, but oh when she decides to honor me with her time and affection there is nothing like it. I dread if Joey ever decides to take her with him. Thank goodness dorms don't allow pets!

Carol Dunton said...

You...and your LOVE for your cats just CRACKS ME UP! They are cutie-patooties and bring such fun to a home, don't they???

Cheela said...

I love cats and yours are so "typical" of cat behavior. I had the sweetest Siamese named Murphy. He wasn't very smart, but he was so sweet. He sat by me as soon as I got home and slept in my bed. I was devastated when he died. Cats are hard to replace in your life!!! Glad you have them to bring you laughter!