Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Embarking on Peace.

In Websters dictionary it is defined as; a state of tranquility or of quietness. A state of security or of order within a community provided for by law or of custom, a harmony in ones personal relations, a truce/pact to cease hostilities between any who have been at war or are in a state of enmity, is used as a greeting or a farewell.
Do you too feel the coldness of these words that stare back at you from the page? I feel no "peace" in reading them. I feel that a dictionary cannot convey the emotion that is attached to the word PEACE.
In my "personal" dictionary it is defined as; reaching inside ones self, God's place, to breathe with calmness and of a smooth and even softness. To "bring" a hope to where it is void. A state of recall of our memories past that gave us giggles and laughter. To be in the silence and comprehend it's meaning.
Do you feel the PEACE of these definitions while letting the words whisper through your lips? I hope that you do. Feel them in your breath.
My prayer in this blogging endeavor is that I will discover, learn, argue, become enlightened, and to more importantly, become aware of my fellow man. I am so new to putting myself out there for others to interpret and define. I have found at times that the written word can bring allot of hurt and confusion. I hope, in my "N-Search of Peace", I can be of interest and perspective. I equally hope that you all stay for a spell or at least till the end of this new chapter for me.
I leave you in Peace.....always N-Peace.

1 comment:

Carol Dunton said...

Welcome to the world of blogging! I LOVE your blog!!!! (does her happy dance while being careful not to pop her knee again!) I am so excited for you to have a new channel from which to share yourself to the world!! I walk this journey with you, dear ya-ya! Love you forever!